Hello Friends, In today's post, we will review about Bulbul Movie, then Friends Bulbul has recently released 25th jun in Netflix online streaming platform.

Bulbul Movie is not a completely horror movie. Without this you will get some big movies in this movie. This movie is completely based on the 1985 Bengali culture and some events of that time.

In the movie you saw that character Thakur Dada, son of a very large Thakur family, who goes to get married a small girl who was in the Bengali culture of that time whom the child marries happen.  She was very children and friends of that age had no one to play with her, then friends, her husband Brather play this girl, the younger brother of the girl's husband had got a lot of goals and time to she loves her.

Bulbul, baba status, movie review

Friends rests entirely on the Bengali respect of 1895 and friends, at that time, the voice that was raised against the woman and the process of suppressing the woman, at that time, it has been tried to show the same and how a woman Troubled by this society, when he himself starts to decide right wrong, people bring him to the witch. And this is the main concept of this flim.

Sushant Singh Rajput Dil Bechara movie review in English:-

Movie is really good. and actors who play role is awesome and you filling in 1895 Bangali culture and the Bangali people.

First one hour you fill the Bulbul is a horror movie, but after you watching one hour you fill the movie not Haunted. Actually this movie is completely based on mysterious things and drama full.

Bulbul, Bulbul Movie, BabaStatus, Movie

Now this movie is very colourful, pink and red colour is deeply used in the movie and this filling like Haunted Hollywood movie. Some time movie is very horror.

Some character are used in  this movie just captured a murder scene. and this movie some bengali actor present in this flim.

So Bulbul Movie are very good and colourful you are watching in this movie now it's streaming on Netflix. Movie effects are clear, actor's are good acting, best location it's made a batter flim to other's.

Movie Name Bulbul
Present A Netflix Orginal Flim
Production Clean Slate Filmz
Movie Released Netflix
Baba Rating 🌟🌟🌟 🌟

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